Tagged: Oatchi


Fallen Comrade

Blurring the lines between flora and fauna. This was a last second idea but now I’ve got a few more backlogged. On a side note, got bored and watched the HIDIVE channel and really...


Ramen Woes

So… you can blame my wife for this one. Had a lot of fun making it~



Had this planned for a while, finally was lazy enough to do it. I simply can’t get enough of the little purple guy. (And Oatchi makes a pretty good Brian.)


Good Boy

So, there was a good bit more content than I thought. I still have another cave to complete so… you all get another week of pikmin renders. Anyway, I saw a post comparing the...



Finished the model a bit late and didn’t have time to make a proper background. To compensate, I cranked the fuzziness to the max~ Can’t wait to play the full game!