BrbStudios Blog


Plush Power

Decided to revamp my inkling/octoling models. Also, while not a numbered revamp, I brought back the zap fish plush since it’s been a while~



This turned out to be a party weekend. Not (entirely) drinking, but various birthday celebrations. So, I’m spent. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t end up sick again. Anyway, DDR. Got in a...


4D Golf

Managed to get sick again, bleh. But I did get to enjoy 4D golf on release. And kinda did this art well beyond last minute…


Legit Work

Slowly tying together the character lore. Tocsin, as far as paperwork is concerned, is employed at Jack’s store: The Penguin’s Cove. Behind its walls exists Jack’s bar, The Stuffed Penguin. Just stay calm and...



Spent most of this week deconstructing a DDR machine, so forgive me for slacking on this render~


High-Speed Transport

Quick render — or well, it would have been without a bunch of crashes. Thought I’d narrowed it down to the many unseen lights, but as I tweaked the depth/motion blur for the final...



You might want to run. It probably wasn’t a good idea to let this girl have a bat.


Valentine’s Day 2024

Was gonna do a BG per character like my 2021 post but ultimately decided on a simple shared background since horizontal space is lacking. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t crash once during the many...


Burger Bits

Recently found out that a local store sells one of my favorite Japanese snacks, Every Burger! Anyway, quick render since it was a busy weekend. I’ll probably end up using this art for background...