BrbStudios Blog


Fairy Cat

I just really wanted to render the Fairy Queen as a catgirl. The entire background was an afterthought — though I did put quite a bit of effort into it.


Data Sanitization

Got in some good geometry node practice with this — think I’m finally getting the hang of it.


ConCraze update

ConCraze is in the works with plans to move towards starting a youtube channel with reviews on board games, movies, video games, etc., etc. Here is Sid (aka Con-Man or “Convention Man” as he...



It’s been a long week. Been slacking and playing a lot of void tRrLM(), started/finished this render last night.At least I’ve already got a better idea for next week’s background!



So much for not making a lazy render~ Though, I did spend entirely too much time on the model. Most likely going to follow up with 2 and Z.



Finished up the main story last week and just “finished” up the pokedex the other day, so… I’m just about done! Hopefully I’ll do a less lazy render next week.



Still playing lots of Arceus so… very quick render.


Survey Corps Glep

Been playing the hell out of Pokemon Legends: Arceus and didn’t start on this render until Friday; didn’t really make good progress on the background until this morning. Why Glep? Why not?


More Cake

So, my friend introduced me to tuxedo truffle mousse cake on my own birthday a while back and… it’s amazing. I figured Jack would be classy enough to offer it at his bar, especially...


Birthday Cupdake

Gonna try doing a birthday piece for each of my girls this year (instead of just Belle). Up first, Carillon on the 26th! A bit last minute, but I did just spend several hours...