Judge Dredd – Movie Night

So this week for movie night as you see in the picture, Judge Dredd. I’ve loved this movie, and it was nice to see it again. For a movie made in 1995, it’s graphics are top notch. With Sylvester Stallone as Judge Dredd, the 2080s, much of Earth has become an uninhabitable wasteland. While some humans manage to survive in the barren “Cursed Earth”, the majority of humanity resides in huge Mega-Cities with populations of tens of millions. To combat crime, the traditional justice system has been replaced by a corps of Judges whose role combines those of police officer, judge, jure, and executioner. Yeah watching Judge bust in and shoot some guys down in the first part of the movie, was a awesome set of action.
One of my favorite part of the movie would be Stallone’s lip when he yelled. Nobody can beat that lip! So if you seen the movie, go check it out. If you haven’t, what are you doing, go out there, go out there and check it out!